
Greenville HELP is coordinated by S.C. Legal Services. We partner with Miracle Hill Ministries, which provides shelter for homeless men and women through the Greenville Rescue Mission and Shepherd’s Gate, and Triune Mercy Center, a non-denominational mission church that ministers with and alongside the homeless in downtown Greenville.

Volunteer lawyers receive a short training course to gain knowledge of typical legal needs for persons who love on the street and who may have legal needs in such areas as housing, public benefits, and employment law. Participating lawyers are free to decide how best to contribute to the project.

Attorneys will conduct new client intake interviews, consultations in various specialty areas, and provide extensive service where warranted. Potential clients may need help in addressing denial of social security or unemployment compensation claims; searching out public housing services; addressing child support delinquencies; or other matters.

Persons with questions or interest in volunteering should contact Thomas Bruce of S.C. Legal Services at [email protected][email protected] or (864) 679-3252.

Downloadable Documents

Service Locations

  • New clients please visit us at the following location and time:
    Triune Mercy Center
    222 Rutherford St.
    Greenville, SC 29609
    Wednesdays from 9:00-10:30 a.m.
  • Outreach clinics will also be conducted at the following location:
    Miracle Hill Greenville Rescue Mission
    575 W. Washington St.
    Greenville, SC 29601
    Please contact Bill Slocum at (864) 242-6933 for clinic dates and time

Local Contacts

Trine Mercy Center Contacts:
  • Rev. Deb Richardson-Moore
    (864) 233-8020
Miracle Hill Rescue Mission Contacts:
  • Bill Slocum
    (864) 242-6933
S.C. Legal Services Contacts: